In conclusion, an action would be morally accepted as right on the basis that it results in happiness for most parties involved.

This category would not apply to my problem since there is no means of calculating and adding up the pain for every person involved. Lastly, the category of extent is the measure of the effect of an action on the parties it affects. For instance, my problem is recurrent and emerges from the previous encounters. Purity, the sixth category is quite ambiguous since each pain, seems to be produced by the pain before it. This category would apply to my problem as well. However, the category of propinquity would also depend on experience to some extent since it focuses on the duration one has to wait for pleasure to happen. In reference, to the category of certainty it is possible to apply the calculus in resolving my problem since experience would serve as a guide in tackling the issue. In fact, it is possible to approximate physical pain in terms of minutes, but psychologically inward experience does not show the perception of time. Secondly, the duration category of the calculus falls short on my problem since Bentham’s concept does not consider the psychological subjectivity of time in which pain is perceived. Place an order Live chat Hedonic Calculus Strengths and Weaknesses However, I would have no way to estimate the value of pleasure out of the self-pride in calling names of my peers.

In my case, the peers who are victims of my bitter exchange of words would be able to establish the mental turmoil caused by the exchange of words. An individual is asked to match the felt pain against the pain scale. Using Bentham’s Hedonic Calculus, my problem would apply to the first category in my attempt to identify the intensity of pleasure or pain my action causes.Īlthough intensity can be possibly measured, it only possible to approximate pain by using a scale, but pleasure it definitely immeasurable. The problem is that I feel my ego hurt so much when a peer downplays my opinion that it leads to a bitter exchange of words. In most cases, I fall out with them due to lack of understanding in our arguments on various social issues. Personally, I have a grief problem in associating with peers. Using this concept, it would be simple to identify acts, which have the best tendencies and consequently right. Ideally, the next step is a consideration of the alternative causes of the action. Want to make sure we can complete your complex assignment?